Calling all guest speakers! It’s time for Stephen Foster’s 5th annual College and Career Week! We are so excited to be able to host this amazing week once again! This year our College and Career Week will take place on May 16th-20th, 2022!
During this week, students will have the opportunity to learn more about various college, career, and future opportunities that they may want to consider as they get older. One of the highlight events is having a College and Career Café, where guest speakers come and talk about their job, career field, or military or college experience. Speakers would need to give a 15-20 minute presentation during designated time slots within the school day. The time slots for grade levels are listed below:
Grade level | Time |
1st/2nd grade | 12:00-12:20 |
3rd/4th grade | 12:40-1:00 |
Kinder and 5th/6th grade | 1:10-1:40 |
Optional– There will also be a projector set up to share a presentation, videos, or photos. Guest speakers may also bring in pre-approved items/props associated with their job to present and discuss.
Due to current health and safety guidelines, all potential guest speakers must be able to show office proof of vaccination status or a negative COVID test taken within 72 hours. Our school site follows current CDC Health & Safety Guidelines (which are subject to change).
If you or anyone you know may be interested, please contact Ms. White, School Counselor to discuss in more detail or for any questions. Contact information: Email: jwhite@busd.k12.ca.us or phone: 562-804-6518 ext 6451.