Fall Picture Day is Friday, September 27th. Order online here.
For more info, please watch the video here.
When ordering in person with an envelope, cash is accepted, but checks are preferred.
Exclusive extra backgrounds & in-cart discounts for digitals are available for online orders only.
The link to order is available up to 4 days after picture day.
Proofs will be emailed to the email address on file with the school (update in Aries and check spam folders) approximately 3 weeks after picture day or after late orders are placed.
All students will receive a class composite photo regardless of purchase, after February 15th. If your student doesn’t get this, please call 800-826-3535 after May 1st.
RETAKES are on November 1st, and you must let your child’s teacher know that you’d like to retake and send any packages back to exchange.