The Stephen Foster PTA is excited to present you with the Super Spooky Fun Run Fundraiser which will be held on Tuesday, October 4, 2022.
Halloween Attire and Costumes
Your student may dress up in a costume, wear Halloween attire, or anything comfortable for running. Please keep in mind that students must be able to function throughout the day without assistance, including bathroom use. Please ensure that your student’s costume or attire is appropriate for school, running, and weather.
- YES to running shoes
- YES to comfortable for day
- YES to hats similar to baseball
- YES to restroom-friendly
- YES to weather-friendly
- NO to masks or head coverings
- NO to face paint
- NO to weapons or accessories
- NO to inflatable, large, or distracting
- NO to anything that covers the feet
- NO changing out of costume
All students who raise a minimum of $25 in pledges will be eligible to join us at a fun Halloween Party on Halloween.
All students will participate in the kid-friendly halloween themed fun run; however, your student also has the opportunity to win other incentives with your participation. The highest earning student of the school will win 2 4 Disneyland tickets. The second highest earning student will win a family four pack to John’s Incredible Pizza, and the third highest earning student will win a Halloween pumpkin carving basket.
Lastly, the top three highest earning classes will win a movie and popcorn party in their classroom. Since all class sizes are not the same, we will base this ranking on the number of students in each class to make it fair for the classes with less students.
The last day to turn in your pledges and be eligible for any of the incentives is Tuesday, October 4th.
Why Participate?
Your participation in this fundraiser is very important because it helps us to provide many of the fun programs and events that our students have grown to love. Some of which include Trunk-Or-Treat, Holiday Family Night and the upcoming BMX show. You can read more about how the PTA benefits your student here.
How To Donate
This year we are going to accept pledges online to make it easier on you to share with family, friends, and co-workers. You also have the option to make cash or check donations like we’ve done in the past with this pledge sheet that was sent home with your student. Please make checks payable to Stephen Foster PTA and add your phone number and student’s name to the memo section.
Please do not ask strangers to donate or go door-to-door.
To make pledges online, you must first register your student by visiting and register each student individually. Please enter your student’s name in the name field, not yours. Instructions can also be found in the video above.

Once registered, you will be redirected to your students designated donation page where you can share with others. You will also receive an email with a special link to upload your student’s photo to the donation page. Please keep in mind that YOU MUST SHARE YOUR STUDENT’S DESIGNATED DONATION PAGE IN ORDER FOR THEM TO RECEIVE CREDIT. If donations are made on the main Stephen Foster donation page, we will not know which student to allocate that pledge to.
You can find your previously registered student here.
6th Grade Camp
Students who are in 6th grade will have 100% of their pledges applied to their 6th grade camp at the end of the year.
Students who are in 5th grade will have 50% of their pledges applied to their 6th grade camp next year.
If the camp is cancelled or the student is unable to attend these pledges will stay within the PTA.