What Is The Kindness Chain?

For the past 2 years, Stephen Foster PTA has organized a kindness chain in an effort to engage families to volunteer into a conversation about being kind to others. We had much success and will continue with it for the coming years.
Children and adults are encouraged to participate, although it is completely voluntary.
How To Participate
Participation is easy! Here’s what to do:
- As a family, discuss various ways to be kind to others.
- Why is it important to not expect anything in return?
- How can you be kind to your peers?
- What are ways you can be kind to the kids you don’t know at school?
- What are kind things you can do for your family?
- Should you be kind to those who aren’t kind to you?
- How can you be kind to the environment?
- On the backside of the strip of paper, draw or write one act of kindness that you can commit to doing. (One per person.)
- Turn it in as soon as possible so we can begin to assemble the kindness chain.
Once the chain has been assembled, we will display it over the bulletin board near the front of the school to serve as a reminder to be kind to others.